Celestial Information, Navigating This Realm

How do we find communication? In our sphere, the world we live in, we don’t listen much. We cannot find agreements between individuals, be it political or any kind of relationship. If we don’t agree, there is at least one party, or two, in disagreement. Being too agreeable when the other party doesn’t respond to the inner core of our […]

Transmute Fear to Power: Transcend Limitations

Overcome fear, gain clarity, and unfold your power. In this video, we guide you through letting go of obstacles that hinder your path, allowing you to reclaim your power and achieve your goals beyond your current perspective. What to Expect: This video and guided meditation were created in response to Israel and the world’s situation, for you to play your […]

Repercussions On Future Generations

Most people aren’t aware of this. And it is so important as fulfil one’s desire. Without our input, there is no effect, otherwise, it remains the same, or as a consequence inaction can be a disaster. We are here for a reason, and it is for us to make decisions, based on the highest good for all.  Sometimes we struggle […]


We are influenced from everywhere starting from our environment, genetics, and also planetary influences. ✩  What do the planets represent? The planets represent unique things for each individual, as each individual is unique. So this is why what one planet represents for one person doesn’t represent for another. In general terms, we can see different planets having different representations, but the way […]


When you need to make decisions based on what’s best, it includes you and everyone else. Life is a rollercoaster sometimes, we encounter changes, some unexpected. Expected changes might not arise. What’s happening? There is an order beyond, an order that puts everything into place. Where you encounter yourself depends on your perception. The way you see yourself, and how […]

Win-win. The main win.

When you win no one loses. Everyone is part of your success. This means that your winning situation depends on everyone. You are connected to everything. This is why when you win is due to everyone. When you win, you bring expansion and everyone gets your winning assets. These assets are physical or mental. They can be skills, physical creations, […]

True Magic – Magia Verdadera

True magic is in a magnet that you have.What you attract you are, what you repel is your back. If you turn around you might not see what you are not attracting. Looking forward attracts. What you are focused on, you give your attention too, and it becomes your reality. La verdadera magia está en un imán que tienes.Lo que […]

Reality Is Always Better. Like Dreams.

What’s real? What you dream is showing you is whats going on in your time. Your time is divided into your future, your past and the present where everything meets at one. Only one time appear in your dreams. What is real? Reality is made of what you think. If you think about your past, you are experiencing the repetition […]


Protection from viruses and health problems: A poor diet, lack of exercise, and negative thinking lead to being prone to health problems and catch a virus easier. A rich diet full of antioxidants, most fruit and vegetables, will help you to be protected from environmental factors. Antioxidants are vitamin A (carrots, peppers, sweet potatoes…), C (mangoes, oranges, berries, lemons, greens…) […]


If you don’t take care of what you eat, you don’t take care of your body. What you eat has a huge effect on the way you think. Foods have chemicals that influence your brain. There are foods that create addiction and make you feel worse, affecting your mood, creating hormonal imbalances, and even health problems. We could talk about […]

What’s Going On In The World

Lots of people are talking about how bad the system is… This is not helping! The way forward is healing, responsibility for your OUTPUT. What you emit, say, feel, or do, it affects others. People are doing what they see as appropriate. We can’t change people, only we can take care of one self. The way you feel and treat […]

Pandemic Solution – Solución Pandémica

We are in a time of pandemic fear. Fear spreads like a wave. The wave can destroy you, or take you to the right place if you ride the wave; if you flow. When you learn to swim you experience fear of drowning, then you trust and start controlling your body moving with the water. You use the water to […]

Observe the way you feel, to be in alignment

Observe the way you feel: If you are not feeling well, you are not in alignment. When you are not feeling good, something is going on inside you.Your body is calling you, it needs your attention. What is happening inside you? Listen with attention, there is a lot to acknowledge and to take care of. Listen to your self when […]

Medium de Pintores / Painters Medium

José Medrado es un medium de Brasil y pinta.A través de él varios pintores hacen sus obras de arte:José Medrado is a medium from Brazil and he paints. Through him several painters make their artwork: José viene de otras formas de mediumnidad, y lo que le llevo a ser un pintor en trance tiene mucho mérito. Descubra más en su […]


Love when you are being, welcoming your truth. If this is not what is for you, you have something else that is going to show you the truth. What you have inside is what everyone has, and what you feel is what you perceive as real. What you feel makes your reality. Life has more to give you, and to […]

Do You Have The Energy To Be On Your Path?

Do you have the energy to be on your path? This energy makes you overcome all circumstances. The circumstances that teach you and welcome you to pass through. There are more situations that are getting ready on your path. Life is going to be easy, as long as:1. You welcome any circumstance to be your teacher.2. You learn from every […]

How Abundant Are You?

How abundant do you feel? Because money is relative. I was born with a loaf of bread under my arm (this is a Spanish saying that a baby brings a lot of positive things). This doesn’t mean that I am rich, but it means that I have everything I need. Having enough is what happens when you are living your path. Being […]

How to be in alignment with what you really wish

What if your intention to do things is not in alignment with what you wish? What would you do if you know that this is happening already? When you realize that your intention is not matching with what you wish, there is a misalignment in your purpose, and things are not manifesting in the way that you desire. Instead, they manifest as conflicts […]

Does your lifestyle compatibilise with your spirit?

Your spirit communicates truth constantly, but you might not be aware of this and sometimes get trapped in the illusion of the mind telling you that you are not capable of certain things. What you do constantly determines your lifestyle. Your eternal being (spirit) brings the moment of “manifestation”.If you identify yourself with your temporary self, you can get in a rush, […]

Between We and Us

Dear friend, We have lots to commit to creating what we want, and it’s not what we are with trouble, is with opening the path. There is a line between “we” and “all of us”. We are the message in resonance with your wishes to come true, and all of us is the real truth. When we deny the presence of others in […]


What is Supernatural? How do you use Supernatural in your life? By being who you really are: your spirit, your Supernatural On Purpose. How do you live your purpose? You are living it all the time. It requires the awareness of being here and now, who you really are. Presence is very important. It’s a matter of being yourself in […]

Plenty of Wealth, Flow, Purpose, Power and Guidance

What is wealth?Health! Health is everything. When you have health in your body, in your mind, in your relationships, in your life, you have wealth. Wealth is abundance and this comes in all sort of forms. In a positive way wealth comes as a manifestation of a good state of mind, body and spirit. Wealth does not mean being rich […]

Find Your Intuition

How do you find your intuition? Where is it located? How do you use it? Intuition is your inner-tuition, its your inner GPS your navigation system which is connected to your subconscious and conscious mind.  It’s a natural ability, an instinct which connects us to all the energy around us. Its an inner knowing, an instinct which is not controlled […]


Everyone should be aware of this: “Commitment is meant to commit”. When you commit, it’s not just saying yes to someone or/and to something, it’s saying yes to yourself. Relationship, career, purpose… What are you committed to? Here we are going to explore all areas of commitment and how committed you are at this. When you commit to yourself you […]

Cosmetics Revolution – Cleopatra Luxury Bar

We all use cosmetics. We are embodying someone’s brand. Our skin speaks. Our appearance says about us how we feel inside, and how we treat our bodies. Makeup is not the solution. You don’t need to hide when your skin is healthy from the inside. Our appearance is a reflection of how we feel. Feeling beauty is a choice, and […]

Lack Of Trust Replaced By “Trust”

What is “trust”? Trust is not doubted. It is aligned in your heart.Trust is an inner knowing that you have inside. It is not in the mind but beyond that. Trust allows your mind to receive clarity. Trust allows your heart to give more. This guided meditation will help you uncover the lies that keep you trapped in a fake […]

Multidimensions. Shifting Your Reality

We talk about dimensions with other beings and planes of existence that are beyond time and space. Here we emphasise more on the multiple dimensions that are held in your consciousness. And the different points of view that will make your reality shift into a new awareness. If you are holding onto a problem, your reality is meant to be shifted. […]


How do you vitalise yourself in your daily basis? How do you wake up? How do you feel during the day? Do you need to take coffee or any stimulant to get energy? How does your mind work? Your mood? Your self esteem? All of this is linked.More information, check out: Find Your Point. Today we are finding your point. From your […]

What to do in moments of not knowing what to do

Just do nothing, and something will come up to do then. Not forcing you to keep busy you have to encounter your own silence bringing patience and discovering new thoughts coming from within, not from the mind, which is always busy in thinking what to do, ‘What is next?’, ‘What is right or wrong?’. What do you feel that keeps […]


Your life is limited to the time when you come in a physical form, it makes you see different from others, your perception is limited. You encounter many roles as you progress living in company with others. There are disagreements, obstacles and decisions to be made. Sometimes you feel alone, and you don’t understand the reason why everything moves while […]


How do you guide your life when you have emotions pushing down? These emotions can be from relationships, from a lack of worth, a lack of time, not knowing what to do, or how to handle this situation. Clarity has to come first in order to see clearly where to go and what to do. If you are under your […]


How to update into your highest version? Your life is the extension of yourself. Projecting your thoughts onto others determines your potential to a certain extent. This is happening every day, all the time. Lots of opportunities are in front of you but if you don’t update, things go the way you don’t want. What is it that you can […]


When you feel stuck in your situation it becomes easy to repeat the same cycle over and over again. It doesn’t help you see how to move forward. It can feel like you have no control. My intention is to allow you to step out of the cycle and remember that you hold the key to manifesting your experiences. When you […]


A girl working in the busy city of London loses her job, making her realize that she is much more. The rest is for you to watch, and feel what is inside your world. This short film was part of Find Your Point by acting, facilitated by Raquel with the improvisation skills of Lottie Finklaire. Find out more about Find […]


REST YOUR CONSCIOUS MIND FOR SWEET DREAMS After all your day being busy with thinking, if there are any worries or disturbances left in your mind, it isn’t ideal going to sleep this way if what you want is to have sweet dreams. This is why I have recorded this guided meditation so you can tune into your higher self, […]


Your mind is a tool that if misunderstood it can be destructive. Taking care of your mind the same as of your physical health means a lot to the full potential of your being. Your mind has been given to you to use it in the way that you choose, this is your free will. But sometimes you are not […]


What’s your purpose? Use the Akashic Records to gain information: It is very important for you to understand this Remember that, there is no one like you You are the only one to create what you want With no need because you are free And you have it all you need What is gone, is because it didn’t serve you […]


  You see a threatening situation, someone doesn’t show you what you think should be the best for you and you blame this person, feeling like a victim. There is a message for you: you must have protection. Protection… how? Protection from your mind. The message came from your happiness. Your mind is a tool that if misunderstood can create […]


Being positive is not enough if there is an underlying feeling of separation between you and who you are not*. Rejection is the block. To commit fully to yourself, there are certain aspects of life that cannot be avoided, such as discomfort and safety: triggers that appear for you to deal and stay in the way. You can’t step out […]


For a total and deep understanding, it might take a few times for you to watch this video. To achieve a positive outcome, you can use your inner source of knowing things. Now is the time to get back to your decisions…  


This information I share with you, it’s for your highest good, coming from the source. What else can I say? That Life Alignment also includes the procedure “Cellular Regeneration”. This is done only when it comes as a priority. All sessions involve the restoration of the body’s energy flow, which results in a new state of mind, more aware and empowered than before.

How long does your body take to restore itself?

  Your body recovers naturally if you allow it to do so… You can regenerate quicker by following this:     Any extra help? Life Alignment includes the procedure “Cellular Regeneration”. This is done only when it comes as a priority. All sessions involve the restoration of the body’s energy flow, which results in a new state of mind, more aware and empowered than […]

Connecting with Past Lives

Do past lives really exist? And afterlife? These questions lead to what is time and who we are. Considering time and space as linear and temporary, we can be only at one place at a time… But what if time is an illusion based on your physical experience? What doesn’t serve you should be resolved. Your past is affecting you now […]


WHY CAN’T YOU HAVE IT ALL? The fact of when a door opens, another one closes in real life is when you get a new opportunity and leave behind another one that you couldn’t continue with and had to let go. Seems very sad, right? But it’s not totally that way. The real saying says: “when a door closes, another […]


Do you have pain? Everyone does at some time, or many times. If you want to get rid of it without acknowledging it as a signal that something isn’t going well… Might come back again. Check your pain’s message to find solutions to your life problems. It’s there for a reason, don’t ignore it, listen cautiously and move forward healthier […]

Sweet tooth makes you dull and age fast too

There is a general cause that is causing a lot of trouble to so many people: SUGAR ADDICTION Sugar craves aren’t healthy. I had sugar addiction for almost all my life until I got rid of it immediately. If I could do it, you can do it. Since then, I have seen this positive result in so many people already, […]


Now is the time for you to listen to your own inner guidance in order to heal past issues such as mental conditions and physical problems that no longer serve you. We are all one. Whatever you are being told, it comes from you at some point. At this point, is where all answers come from. Your true being is […]


There are a few factors to consider in regards to maintaining a healthy body. We all know the importance of a positive attitude and how it affects our physical bodies. But what about those aspects that are out of your own control, let’s say environmental factors such as electromagnetic radiation, viruses, negative influence by media in society… Again we could […]

your access to save the oceans

Plastic residue is polluting the oceans and killing marine life. Many animals are eating it and dying from the plastic in their stomachs. Forty-four percent of all seabird species, 22 percent of Cetaceans (whales, dolphins, and porpoises), all sea turtles, and a growing list of fish have been found to be contaminated with these materials. The effects of this are disastrous, including internal blockages, starvation, and often, […]


The big scale governs the small. Due to the cosmic laws, each individual is under planetary influences. How does the full moon affect people? It is well known that the tide of the sea is being governed by the moon, but not just that, but all the Water Cycle of the Hydrosphere through its gravitational pull. Everything is run by […]


Do you have enough time to do what you want to do? Time can pass so quickly, it’s happening right now. So fast in fact, that you might not be aware of it. Not aware of where you want to be. Where would you like to be right now? Let’s go beyond time and explore this reality for what it […]


What do you need that you haven’t got it yet? Can you describe it? Take a moment to think about it, and write it down. Use today’s date. Listen to your inner guidance while you are reading this text. What have you been doing to achieve this state or position where you are at the moment? Are you grateful for […]


Unable to control your thoughts? Self-awareness is the key, you cannot control the external outcome without being in your power to command your thoughts, creators of your own reality, coming from your source. Discern what is true and what is not, don’t let your environment be in charge and take the direction you want. Practice “Grounding POWER”. Gain Insight, Manifest your […]

How do you use your time?

Time passes quickly for those who are enjoying what they do. Time isn’t perceived the same for all, why is that? It is not your perception of time, it is the way you employ it by doing what you enjoy or not. Your time is precious, spend it in a wise manner. The true power is in the collective mind, which […]

Would you like a trip to Mars?

Watch this video where Elon Mask unveils Mars Colony, explaining how it would be SpaceX and its journey in between 50 to 100 years ahead. He said: “I think the first journeys to Mars are going to be really very dangerous. The risk of fatality will be high; there’s just no way around it.” “It would be an incredible adventure; […]

Mind over flow

WHEN THE MIND TAKES OVER ON YOUR WELLBEING  The most healthy habits are the ones that most benefit you on all levels, mentally, spiritually and physically. Ignoring one of those can create an illusion of being healthy, but in fact, what happens is that you entirely miss the point. The mind doesn’t work without its brain and the heart doesn’t work without its […]


The development of your new career is like a path to take with many exits and gates that lead you to different possibilities, yet sometimes if you step back you can see that all roads lead to the same place. What really differs is your capability to change, your methods, skills and way of thinking which determines your ability to […]


Fear invades the land of those who seek for external guidance. The truth is out there always, but must be found within yourself to be real. Allowing yourself to feel guilty it doesn’t help, as you are nothing more that a previous preconception of what’s unreal. Because only love is real. And love is something everyone looks for, it can be […]


If you want to make changes in your life, the only way to really make them happen is by not checking back to know what’s right and wrong. If you condition yourself based on previous preconceptions and beliefs, your mental state doesn’t move forward. The new understanding of a new reality doesn’t appear immediately. It’s only when you don’t look […]

How much to love when you are not being loved?

Loving too much isn’t enough. Loving too little isn’t complete. How much to love when you are not being loved? Your heart breaks again and again, and you haven’t realised yet, that all you give is what you are not. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be broken. A real love never breaks. Only fake imitations do, fake realities based on fear or lack […]


Life is a journey that we all encounter. Later or sooner we get in between different roads, like nowhere to go. In reality, there are more chances to go to places that you can imagine. Your lack of perception avoids you to see your path. Your power to choose opens up. Now is up to you what to decide, right […]


There is only change in life, but always something remains, and it is you, the real one. A collective group decides to be part of a new way of living but in the end, it was just a fact for you to realize that there is no barrier, conflict or war, which wasn’t generated in the fake construct of the […]

From annoying to enjoying your job (this can change your career)

Imagine not having to work, and instead having all the time for you to do whatever you want. You know that’s possible, right? No one imposes you apart from your belief of “need”. Need to work to live. To live is not about survival, is to enjoy life. Paying rent/mortgage/expenses is a cost that we all invest, as an exchange for […]


Have you wondered how your thought process leads you to the life you want? In the past, you may have created a continuation of progressive positive thoughts and now you are living exactly how you choose to. Happy thoughts lead you to happy moments, to enjoy life to its most. When you encounter yourself following your inner guidance, aligned with your […]

on holiday all year around

Would you like to be on holiday for the rest of your life? Most of the people would say: yes! and they can imagine themselves being with an unlimited source of money, so they can travel and do whatever they want without the need to work anymore. Would be this correct? What if everyone knows the law of attraction, everyone […]

Lack of trust in relationships is lack of self-trust

Self-doubt is the origin of lack of trust in another person When subconsciously, something is telling you that you shouldn’t be the way that you are behaving, originally this came from a lack of self-belief. A doubt originated deep in your thoughts manifested in your belief system. You are not confident or sure about something that you are going to […]

my work

Hello everyone, I am trying to promote what I do and wondering if my kind friends can help me out by spreading the word and sharing this post. If you are looking for help with anything in life, please let me know and we can have an informal chat. I will let you know very quickly if I can help […]


Indecisive people have a power that is beyond limits, same as everyone… Why don’t you know what you want? Because is through choices that matter… Matter gets presented in a form that looks unrealistic as if you were not in charge of its creation. You forgot that everything is a reflection of the inner being and a lot of choices are […]


Reinventing and recreating yourself every day, every moment is a new beginning. Life is in constant change, adapt to it with the rhythm of the planets. Harmony in your environment comes from peace in yourself. Have a happy journey  


It is possible to reach high states of consciousness naturally by using your body and mind as tools for it, without medication, plants, drugs or any external stimulation. Many people believe that they need a substance to have those experiences. It is true that those chemical reactions in your brain affect your state of consciousness, same as the placebo effect […]

employ your potential

Would you like to live without fear and have the passion required to enjoy a life full of wisdom, peace, fun and love? Well, this is all possible if you follow your dreams as your goals and take the steps with courage in a very uplifting manner. Being motivated is so important. Your life force drives your body towards the […]


  There are different realities coexisting at the same time to the one you are in. They are all happening simultaneously and the difference between your reality and those other parallel worlds is that the one you are inside has a smaller spectrum of possibilities; they are created from your own experience based on your patterns of behaviour. Once you realize that they […]

Self-love – the beginning and the end

We are all in search of acceptance and validation. Ever since we were children we would seek the inclusion of others and the respect of our peers. It is a natural human desire to be part of something that we perceive to be greater than our individual selves. There is nothing wrong with being in a group that makes you […]

healing experience

The best way to understand Life Alignment is to try it on our skin. There is a complexity in this healing practice that cannot be understood just by the rational mind. We can ask to the body to help us, and we will assist with wonder to the transformation of our perceptions, emotions and sensations. Words cannot say clearly what […]

Reconnection with inner energies

Thoughts from encountering with Life Alignment healing practice   Reconnection with inner energies At the very centre of the heart, there is a voice that keeps on guiding us. The heart talks to us constantly, it always accompanies this self we happen to be. We are already connected with all what surrounds and envelops us. In the world of distinctions, […]


CREATING HEALTHY BOUNDARIES Your boundaries create a separation between you and other people, this may seem quite negative at first but in truth, you are never separate from anything. There are always influences which affect you and you are always affecting your environment. Boundaries are for setting a limit that serves you as a protection, to not give too much, and to not allow others interfere in your […]


What life should be about if you were able to live your dreams? Would you like to employ your time in difficult daily tasks that avoid your happiness? would you work in a job that keeps you busy but you cannot find any satisfaction? Just to cover your basic needs, without any time to enjoy your life? A lot of […]


Failure is a learning process that makes you stronger and wiser. Only by accepting this, you can master your internal reality, use your power and then success comes.


How can you manifest prosperity and abundance in short-term, and immediately if possible?   Stay on your ground always, by not allowing fears to take over, or the illusion of being powerless. You are a creator and all you see is your creation. Your beliefs get reflected outside and the life you see must be aligned with your heart desires. […]


What is beauty? Are some people more or less beautiful than any other? A place or thing more beautiful than other? As you can imagine, it is up to your preferences, right? What resides in your subconscious as approved or not, as better or worst, is what determines the quality of your thoughts, to live your life full of beauty, […]


We notice that people are starting to take more time to find inner peace, practising meditation as the most popular tool. With the industrial and technological revolution during the last century, people left the countryside and villages, moving into big cities, to work in factories and offices. Their reasons and purpose might be different from each person, but in general […]


What about nutrition? There are certain foods that are better than any others? Which ones? First of all, I want to reiterate that most important than any diet, is the placebo effect and the power of your mind. What’s best for you, in a certain period of time, might not be the same for any other person. But having a […]


How many people are constantly living in the past? For sure you know a few. There is nothing wrong with reliving the past, it is just holding in mind a composition of different “memories”; some seem better than others, depending on the position you are, to judge it as good or bad. Also, all that has been told from a while […]


What is water? Water is fluid, is an element, and is a miracle molecule. It can hold different forms (liquid, solid ice and gas). Water in combination with light creates life. It is inside your body, it covers the majority part of your entire physical being. It covers also the majority part of our planet earth. Without water we wouldn’t exist, […]